The contents of this website would not have been possible without the support, confidence, and talent of many individuals over the years. My family has always been supportive and continues to support my endeavors, especially my sister, Kvitka Semanyshyn. I thank all those who believed in my talent, too numerous to mention.
On the other hand, though much time has passed, there are certain individuals whose invaluable support will always be remembered. Just the mention of their names – bring happy tears to my eyes. I would like to acknowledge these extraordinary individuals whose friendship, enthusiasm, love, support, generosity of spirit, and encouragement sustained me over the years and meant everything to me.
I cannot even begin to express my deep appreciation to the late Elayne Papadopoulos, a true friend, adviser, confidante, and cheerleader.
I am profoundly grateful to Justin Loeber aka Larry Loeber who I have known since 9th grade. He truly was a major MEGAPOP creative force in my early creative endeavors and continues to be a lifeline to many. He never hesitated to help others achieve their dreams and allowed them to ride on his coattails. I thank him for the Fives, Inner Circle, A Nite with a Lava Lite, Carnegie Recital Hall, and especially surreal moments in Shepperton Studios at Numa Records in England. Justin is without a doubt the most talented creative force out there.
I am grateful to Maricha Holinaty for her friendship, commitment, logo design, and my “partner in crime” in adventurous escapades. I will always be deeply appreciative when it comes to The Windows of Love (TWOL). After a 3- month run of my Off – Off Broadway show of (TWOL) at the 13th Street Repertory Company in 1994, Maricha and her husband Joe, schlepped everything off the stage into their van and transported it to my garage. They were my saints.
I am very grateful for everything that the late Gizelle Kocybala did for me emotionally and spiritually. I thank her for always networking on my behalf and trying to put me in touch with people who could further my music career. I loved how she sang “Suffocating” and always told me “Be good to yourself.” I miss her in my life.
I thank Gregory Hywel, probably the most multi-faceted, mega-talented person walking the face of the earth today. (TWOL) was able to see the light day because of Greg’s uncanny ability to take my abstract vision of characters and materialize it on paper as only he can. Greg’s superpower is his ability to stay calm and cool no matter how close a deadline is approaching. He simply was born with a zen energy that is intoxicating.
I profusely thank Taissa Bohdansky, my piano teacher and friend for her passion for music, her positive spirit, and her zest for life. She is always the life of the party and going strong even in her mid 90’s. You go girl!
I am most grateful to Dr. Arcadia Kocybala who to this very day is very supportive and protective and continues to guide me to look at the logistics of the big picture and curtail some of that impulsiveness I’m famous for.
I have always been in awe of the untapped talent I came across in my musical journey. From placing ads in Rocker magazines and meeting with individuals, to endless submissions to professionals such as music publishers, agents, music lawyers, and artist reps to songwriting seminars and contests. What they all have in common are various generations of passionate songwriters all trying to find a venue and a safe haven for their songs. I thank Paul Michael, Sandy Sandoval and Angel Sound, Inc. , Elliot Weiss, Beau Garrett, Robert Hanlon, Oles Kuzyszyn, Larry Loeber, Jerry Michel Lys, Roger Mantell, and Mary Witham, my collaborators, arrangers, engineers, etc.
There are many people I came in contact with and cannot identify by name because it has been close to 40 years. My how time truly flies…. My heart just keeps thanking you and thanking you all.
I also thank the song sharks, con artists, and scammers that I came in contact with quite frequently. The positive, as well as the negative experiences, impacted me and created a stronger person in this business of music. Those who did not believe in my talent simply made my drive even stronger and accelerated the obsession to over-drive.
My goal was always to promote – THE SONG!
Song exposure – was always the single mission statement drive – to just get it out there.
Thank you to Henry Warner and New Wave Digital Designs for creating this website.
I thank Eliseo Cruz from the Best Buys Geek Squad, who endured hours of cassette transfers, tutorial instructions and I will always be grateful for his patience and step by step instructions.
Thank you to Danny Jiminian, Esq.